Monday, November 7, 2016

Does American Really Want a Cartoon Villain For President?

By George Bailey

As November 8th approaches and daily revelations come to light about the sordid life of Hillary Clinton, one question emerges. Does America really want a cartoon villain for president?

Thanks to Wikileaks and various insiders such as Hillary’s own secret service detail, Americans are being given a clear window into the heart and soul of the Democratic presidential candidate -- and the picture emerging is not a pretty one. 

Cartoon Villains Abuse Their Underlings and Henchmen

From numerous reports, Hillary treats those who work for her worse than dirt, swears like a sailor -- and makes the Three Stooges look like gentlemen.

During Matt Lauer’s interview with Hillary at the September 7th Commander-in-Chief Forum, Lauer asked Hillary a surprise series of ‘unapproved questions’ about her illegal personal e-mail server. It was reported Hillary left the set and proceeded to go berserk on her staff.

According to an NBC associate producer of the forum, Hillary threw a full glass of water in her assistant’s face and flew into a profanity laden tirade vowing to get Matt Lauer fired. The producer stated she was the most foulmouthed woman he had ever heard. It has been reported that Hillary henchman Donna Brazile, the interim chairman of the DNC, also took a tongue lashing from Hillary over the Lauer incident. 

Another report of Hillary’s abuse of underlings comes from Secret Service agents assigned to protect her. In former FBI Agent Gary Aldrich’s book “Unlimited Access,” he relates an incident when Hillary was First Lady in which she berated Secret Service agents saying, “Stay the f*** back, stay the f*** away from me!  Don’t come within ten yards of me, or else! Just f***ing do as I say, okay!!?”  

Cartoon Villains Always Have a Sinister Laugh

If you haven’t heard Hillary’s nails-on-a-chalkboard cackle, it would make the Wicked Witch of the West proud.  Enough said. 

Hillary's Evil Laugh Compilation (YouTube)

Cartoon Villains Lie, Cheat and Steal

If there’s one thing Hillary’s an expert at, it’s lying. Compliments of Wikileaks, America has been treated to an almost daily helping of her tangled web of deceit that seems to know no bounds.

Repeatedly, Hillary lied about the attack on the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi blaming it on a YouTube video – and even lied in person to the grieving parents of the fallen U.S. Marines who died in the attack. The day after the incident, Hillary told the Egyptian Prime Minister, “We know the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack. Not a protest.” 

She has also lied repeatedly about the illegal personal e-mail server she used while Secretary of State saying there was “no classified material” on my server.  In a July 5th press briefing, FBI Director James Comey contradicted her assertions saying multiple classified e-mail strings were found. As more falsehoods are revealed, it is becoming clear that Hillary has told more lies to the American people than sharks have teeth.

Cheating also comes second nature to Hillary. It was revealed in a recent Wikileaks e-mail dump that Hillary henchman and former CNN correspondent Donna Brazile was slipping Hillary debate questions in advance. CNN later fired Brazile over the incidents.

As for stealing, Hillary is master, though not always an adept one. When Bill and Hillary left the White House, nearly $200,000 in White House furniture and gifts suddenly disappeared. After the theft was discovered, the items were returned. Another theft scandal involved millions of dollars of Haitian earthquake relief money that ended up in the coffers of the Clinton Foundation instead of being used to help the Haitian people. 

Cartoon Villains Leave a Path of Death and Destruction In Their Wake

Hillary’s support for abortion-on-demand, for any reason anytime during pregnancy, is absolute. Even partial-birth abortion, which can take place in the ninth month of pregnancy up to the moment of birth, is applauded. Hillary voted against the partial-birth abortion ban while a senator.

During her tenure as Secretary of State, Hillary helped create a swath of war, death and destruction across the Middle East that remains out of control to this day. ISIS came to life in the wake of this chaos and is responsible for inspiring terror attacks in America that have killed many. In addition, Hillary intends to import tens of thousands of Syrian refugees into the U.S. in what has been described as an ISIS Trojan Horse that could prove catastrophic since refugees from war torn regions cannot be properly vetted.

Cartoon Villains Are Power-Mad

Why else would Hillary and Bill Clinton want to get back into the White House for a third term – unless it’s to get another crack at that stolen furniture they were forced to return? Obviously, someone who treats her own staff like dirt has no interest in serving the average American voter. It’s more like a shark that smells blood in the water and goes into a feeding frenzy. If you’re a cartoon villain, once you’ve tasted power, you can’t stay away.

Cartoon Villains Always Lose In The End

So does America really want a cartoon villain for president?

If Hillary loses on Tuesday, the American people have spoken and it’s finally all over for her – but what if she wins? Here are a few questions to ponder.

Will the White House become a facsimile supermax prison till the FBI’s criminal investigation of Hillary and the Clinton Foundation plays out? Will President Obama pardon Hillary before she takes office? If she’s pardoned, will Hillary become the first female president to be impeached? If she’s not pardoned, will Hillary be convicted and go from the White House to the big house?

Regardless of what happens on Tuesday, one thing is certain. Cartoon villains always lose in the end.


George Bailey is a freelance columnist -- and grateful recipient of America's highest honor, citizen.

Copyright by 2016
Photo: - Whistle Blower Magazine

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