Monday, November 7, 2016

Voting for Hillary Breaks All Ten Commandments

By George Bailey

No doubt you’ve heard of a “two-fer” special. That is, two for the price of one. This 2016 election season, Hillary Clinton and the Democrats are offering something even better. A ‘ten-fer’ special – and it’s an offer you can’t refuse.

By simply pulling the voting lever for Hillary Clinton or the Democrat of your choice, you can figuratively snatch the Ten Commandment tablets out of Moses’ hands and smash them to smithereens.

But can Hillary and the Dems really deliver? Let’s delve a little deeper.

1. The First Commandment states: “You shall have no other gods before me.” Hillary and the Democrats never fail to elevate government above God in every sphere of public life. God is unwelcome in government schools, in public discourse and in civil law. The phrase Separation of Church and State (which does not appear in the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution) is used to exclude God and morality from every corner of government. To Hillary and the Democrats, government is God. Smash! One down, nine to go.

2. The Second Commandment states: “You shall not make for yourself an idol.” To Hillary and the Democrats, money spent on government programs is the answer to every problem. In money we trust. Sex in just about every form is honored, exalted and legalized. Minority voting blocs are raised up as sacred cows and used as political clubs to bludgeon opponents. These and many other idols are exalted and worshiped above God by Hillary and the Democrats. Smash! Two down, eight to go.

3. The Third Commandment states: “You shall not take the name of the Lord Your God in vain.” Since Hillary and the Democrats worship strange gods and make idols of all sorts, saying “God Bless America” is not just an empty proclamation; it is at its core a vain use of God’s name. Smash! Three down, seven to go.

4. The Fourth Commandment states: “Observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.” Is it possible Hillary and the Democrats who serve the strange god of government, make idols of all sorts and use God’s name in vain daily could possibly keep anything holy, let alone the Lord’s Day? Smash! Four down, six to go.

5. The Fifth Commandment states: “Honor your father and your mother.” In America, honoring our fathers and our mothers includes honoring the wishes of our Founding Fathers who created this nation with guiding moral principles enshrined in the founding documents. To Hillary and the Democrats, the Constitution is not something to be honored, but to be manipulated and used for political purposes. Moral principles are subject to change at whim by activist judges. Smash! Five down, five to go.

6. The Sixth Commandment states: “You shall not murder.” Murder is not just killing, such as in self-defense or by capital punishment. It is the premeditated taking of another’s life. To Hillary and the Democrats, murder through abortion, RU-486 and assisted suicide is just business as usual. Shallow excuses such as a woman’s right to choose are made, but murder is murder. Smash! Six down, four to go.

7. The Seventh Commandment states: “You shall not steal.” To Hillary and the Democrats, stealing is simply a way of life. Governmental theft from the middle class and the wealthy to pay for social engineering (such as same-sex marriage) and vote-buying schemes (such as welfare and food stamps) is at the core of their strategy to retain a death grip on America. Smash! Seven down, three to go.

8. The Eight Commandment states: “You shall not commit adultery.” Once upon a time in America sex was sacred, but Hillary and the Democrats have put an end to such puritanical prudery. Now sex between just about anyone anytime is condoned. Consent alone is the guiding principle, not morality. Could sex with children be the next civil right du jour? Fornication disguised as civil unions and same-sex marriage is championed – and of course there’s Bill Clinton. Smash! Eight down, two to go.

9. The Ninth Commandment states: “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” For Hillary and the Democrats, truth is simply what’s expedient at the time to achieve a goal. Famous whoppers like, there was “no classified material” on my server, “I did not have sex with that woman,” and “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” still reverberate from sea to shining sea. Smash! Nine down, one to go.

10. The Tenth Commandment states: “You shall not covet.” Wanting what others have used to be taboo in American culture, but thanks to Hillary and the Democrats, not anymore. The simple phrase “the rich are not paying their fair share” says it all. Now coveting has been raised to the level of virtue and a high art, as long as you can demonize the person whose stuff you are coveting and planning to steal. Smash! There goes the Tenth Commandment.

Wow! A perfect 10!

But how does voting for someone who breaks all Ten Commandments habitually in the course of her public service confer the benefit of being a perfect 10 on the voter? All we need do is look to a simple principle in American criminal law.

When a murder is committed in the commission of a robbery, the getaway driver, if apprehended, can be charged with and found guilty of both robbery and murder even though he (or she) did not actually rob the bank or kill the guard at the door.

Simply put, being an accomplice to a crime makes one just as guilty as the perpetrator.

So this election season, if you’re looking to distinguish yourself and become a perfect 10, Hillary and the Democrats are offering you the deal of a lifetime – and it’s completely free of charge. All it will cost you is your soul.

George Bailey is a freelance columnist and an independent Hollywood filmmaker who has worked in production on numerous Universal, Warner Bros. and Sony feature films. He holds a B.A. in communication from USC.

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